Fireplace Brochures

Quickly view or download gas and electric product brochures to learn more about each kind.
Valor GE Electric Fireplace

GE Electric Fireplaces

A flexible alternative to gas or wood but only requires a simple plug-in installation.

Valor™ GE Electric
Valor LEX3 Electric Fireplace

LEX-S Electric Fireplaces

Create a focal point that will enhance any space with the LEX-S electric series.

Valor™ LEX Electric
Valor PE2 Electric Fireplace

PE2 Electric Fireplace

An LCD flame display with 16 flame options, the PE2 provides heat and ambiance.

PE2 Electric  
Valor LT Gas Fireplaces

LT Gas Fireplaces

The Valor LT1 and LT2 have raised the standards for linear gas fireplaces.

Valor LT Fireplaces
Valor LX2 and LX1 fireplace brochure

LX Multi-Sided Fireplaces

Valor offers two LX multi-sided fireplaces to heat any living space.

Valor LX Multi-Sided
Valor linear gas fireplace brochure

Linear Gas Fireplaces

The complete collection of Valor linear gas fireplaces.

Valor Linear Fireplaces
Valor G3 gas insert brochure

G3 Gas Insert

Introduced in 1991 the G3 insert continues to exceed expectations.

Valor G3 Insert
Valor G3.5 gas fireplace insert

G3.5 & G4 Gas Inserts

Two decades of design innovation and four generations of Legend insert DNA.

Valor G3.5 & G4 Insert
Valor RetroFire gas insert brochure

RetroFire Gas Insert

Designed for installation within existing wood burning fireplaces.

Valor RetroFire Insert
Valor H5 and H6 gas fireplace brochure

H5/H6 Gas Fireplaces

These two large format fireplaces offer efficient heating & comfort control.

H5/H6 (1100M/1400M)
Valor Horizon and H4 gas fireplace brochure

Horizon Gas Fireplaces

The Horizon and H4 offer a vast collection of quality fronts and more.

Valor H4/Horizon Fireplace
Valor H3 gas fireplace brochure

H3 Gas Fireplace

The H3 offers a slim engine design that's engineered for versatile installations.

Valor H3 Fireplace
Valor Portrait gas fireplace brochure

Portrait Gas Series

Offering a diverse collection of adaptive fireplace fronts for any room setting.

Valor Portrait Series
Valor P2 gas fireplaces

P2 Gas Fireplace

The next generation of the Portrait Series is here with the P2 gas fireplace.

Valor P2 Fireplace
Valor freestanding gas stove brochure

Freestanding Gas Stoves

Freestanding stoves provides a choice between a variety of design styles.

Valor Gas Stoves
Valor outdoor gas fireplaces

Outdoor Gas Fireplaces

Convert existing zero-clearance or insert fireplaces for outdoor use.

Outdoor Fireplaces
Valor 10 Remote Control Guide

Valor 10 Remote Guide

A quick guide of basic remote and fireplace functions for the Valor 10 remote.

Valor 10 Remote
Valor Plus and Max Remote Control Guide

Plus / Max Remote Guide

A quick guide of basic remote and fireplace functions for Valor Plus and Max remotes.

Valor Plus & Max Remote
Valor HeatShift brochure


The HeatShift System transfers convective heat upwards and back into the room.

Valor HeatShift™


Valor fireplaces are sold via our authorized dealer network across Canada & the United States. Valor dealers provide qualified installations and aftermarket service. We want to ensure that owning a Valor fireplace is a truly enjoyable experience and our dealer network is an integral part of the process. From the initial search to the finished product, our dealers will be there to make the process of owning and servicing a Valor as easy as possible.

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